Friday, March 9, 2018

Video Lesson Plan: Sink or Float? A Lesson on Buoyancy

I use to play with Windows Movie Maker when I was younger, though apparently now this program is no longer available. I tried looking around for some free demos to try for this project, and most of them did not work in the way I wanted, and were not very efficient at cutting and editing clips, and either didn't cut where i wanted, or trimmed off too much, which was really frustrating. If I were to further explore video lessons, I would definitely like to find a good editing software to purchase for both personal and professional use. A good camera, lights, and microphone are definitely something I would like to invest in in the future, rather then sticking to my laptops camera like I did for this project. one thing that I would like to do is get a bit more animated, maybe add some light upbeat background music. I've always admired Bill Nye, and would love to be able to get kids as hyped for science as he was to me when I was a kid.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lesson Plan: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Today's lesson was focused on learning the life cycle of a Butterfly. How many stages does a butterfly go through in it’s life? What is each stage called and how do they differ from one another? How can you compare the growth of a butterfly to the growth of other living things? We started our lesson with some critical thinking and drawing up a KWL chart.

Next, we sung along to The Butterfly Song and examened real-life photos of butterflies and their different stages of growth. We read the book “Are You a Butterfly?” by Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries.
After reading, we re-examined the photos and the children took turns aranging the life cycles in order, and discussed the paralells between the growth of butterflies and the growth of us humans. 

Each child worked on their own copy of the Life Cycle of a Butterfly worksheet to complete and present to the class, where we then proceded to fill out the "Learned" section of our KLW chart. 

If your child would like to work on the enrichment activity at home and didn't have the chance to do so already in class, download and print this free Draw the Life Cycle of a Butterfly Worksheet