Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use Guidelines within Ms Candice's class.

1. Internet use is prohibited without an adult present.

2. Sharing personal information about one’s self, family or friends on the internet is prohibited.

3. Computer and internet use is restricted to classwork or other  teacher approved use.

4. Sharing and asking for passwords is prohibited. Sharing anyone’s personal information such as address or phone number on the computer is prohibited. Sharing photos of yourself or others is prohibited on the computer without a teacher’s permission.

5. Talking with strangers on the interned is prohibited, regardless of their age, without teacher permission. Students must report to both teachers and parents if a stranger asks personal questions about themselves on the internet.

6. Students may only play teacher-approved games.

7. No inappropriate language or mean behavior towards others on the internet.

8. Students must not try to access or change information on another student's work.

9. Students must report to a teacher anything they see on the internet that makes them feel uncomfortable.

10. Students must report all problems or incidents to a teacher, rather then trying to fix the issue themselves.

11. Teachers may monitor computer activities. Students found breaking rules will have consequences which may include the loss of computer privileges.

12. Plagiarism is prohibited.

13. Teachers may monitor computer activities. Students found breaking rules will have consequences which may include the loss of computer privileges.

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